Bairnsdale Presbyterian Church
As a church we are committed to helping people get connected to God through His one and only Son Jesus, growing in faith and knowing Him well, having unshakable hope and living life well by living God’s way through the grace He supplies in Jesus. We believe the Bible is God’s Word for his people.​
While we encourage all to know the Lord Jesus, we also seek to bring God’s grace and love to the people of Bairnsdale, regardless of their beliefs, so that Bairnsdale becomes a more gracious and loving community.
We have a variety of programs and groups that cater for people of all ages and stages:
- Sunday morning services including Kid’s Church, with a focus on
understanding and applying God’s Word to daily life
- Home groups that meet to build community and get to know God better
- “Can I Believe?” - Once every term for people exploring questions of faith
- "Hope Explored" - A three-week program for those who have little or know knowledge of Christianity
- P22:6 Family Discipleship Group, A multigenerational approach to building a healthy church family
- GSF – Get Some Fun Kid’s Holiday Program (mid-year school holidays)
On Sundays, we meet at 10.00 am at the Bairnsdale Presbyterian Church, 159 Nicholson St. Bairnsdale.
The Bairnsdale Presbyterian Church has been part of the Bairnsdale community for over 100 years and is part of the wider Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

What we believe about the Bible is contained in the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is the official public confession of the Presbyterian Church.
We believe that this world and everything in it belongs to God who made all things by the power of His Word, and that He made all things good and with purpose, and that the goodness and purpose of His design has been corrupted by the sin that has entered the human heart and, through humanity, has entered creation.
We believe that all people fall short of God’s glory and that judgment waits. We believe that God is gracious and sent His Son Jesus Christ, God as man in this world, so that through His death and resurrection Jesus is the saviour of the world and the connection point between God and mankind. We believe that when a person comes to faith in Christ, they are presented blameless in the sight of the Father in Heaven.
We believe that this is the story that threads the history of the world together, and we believe that everybody needs Jesus.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, that He speaks today through His word, that its truth is timeless and is light for how we live well for Him and in this world. We believe the Holy Spirit dwells in those who believe in Jesus and that He works actively in the lives of those who follow Jesus as they seek to grow in godliness and in knowledge of the truth.
We believe that the Christian community is essential for spiritual growth and for witness to Jesus and that when we love each other well, according to His Word, the world is given a powerful witness that Jesus is Lord.
We believe that the community of God’s people has been sent into the world to shine the light of God’s truth and love in Jesus.​

We are convinced that the Christian mission is relatively simple: God’s people need to know Jesus more deeply and those who don’t know Jesus need to be told about Him. As a church these are our two goals – Knowing Jesus and Making Jesus Known.
We also believe that as we live as God’s people in Bairnsdale there should be a measure of God’s love, grace, truth and goodness that filters into the Bairnsdale community.
From Scripture we also know that it is the family that is the centre of faith nurture in children. Therefore we aim to work with, equip and encourage parents, grandparents and anybody who has a relationship of influence with a young person to be able to better nurture confidence in Christ and discipleship for Christ.